We know we have community support and it's not just residents near the property who are concerned about how a retail development would negatively impact our community. Here are some examples:
Door to door petition campaign - We talked to homeowners. 99% of people approached when we reached them at home signed the petition
Many residents asked to help when approached during the door-to -door campaign.
Petition campaign at local retail areas and Glenview parade - We talked to residents. Most of the people we approached seemed frustrated that a retail development was being considered. Others thought about it for a few minutes and then signed after realizing the traffic and safety issues. Some were not willing to sign until they had more information.
Some who have signed the petition have walked their neighborhoods to gather more support.
Over 400 hand-written signatures on petition
Received many requests for development email update list
Facebook likes, 153 and counting!
Over 302 people have submitted letters to Glenview Trustees and Village staff